Learn More About TCM
Listed below are just a few of the many resources available to help you learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine:
by Maoshing Ni
“Ranging from treating common ailments with healing foods and herbs to the all-around balancing of mind and body that is essential for vitality, wellness, and longevity, Secrets of Self-Healing will profoundly change how readers look at their own health and well-being.”
Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition
by Paul Pitchford
“Healing with Whole Foods brings together authentic traditions of Asian medicine with current Western research on health and nutrition to create the most detailed sourcebook available on planning and preparing an optimal diet.”
Helping Ourselves: A Guide to Traditional Chinese Food Energetics
by Daverick Leggett
“Helping Ourselves is a beginner’s guide to nutrition according to the principles of Chinese medicine. This book will guide you effortlessly into an understanding of a remarkable system and give you the tools to begin working with food energetics in your own kitchen.”
by Maoshing Ni and Cathy McNease
“The Tao of Nutrition provides information on making every meal therapeutic, teaching you how to make appropriate food choices for your ailments, your constitution, and the season of the year. Whether you are trying to become healthy or stay healthy, the authors guide you to a balanced way of eating.“
The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine
by Ted J. Kaptchuk, OMD
“The Web That Has No Weaver is the classic, comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. This accessible and invaluable resource has earned its place as the foremost authority in synthesizing Western and Eastern healing practices.”
Arthritis: Secrets of Self Healing
by Maoshing Ni and Jason Moskovitz
“In Arthritis: Secrets of Natural Healing you will discover how to care for the health of your joints through the Chinese healing tradition – diet and nutrition, herbal therapy, bodywork, and self-care, along with acupressure and exercise therapy. You will also learn about the mind-body connection, how stress exacerbates pain and inflammation in your body, and natural ways to reduce your tension and inflammation.”
BACK to Pain-Free Health: Secrets of Natural Healing for Back Pain
by Maoshing Ni and Albert Vaca
“In BACK to Pain-Free Health, Dr. Maoshing Ni and Albert Vaca explain the causes of back disorders and offer a simple and proven program for eliminating back pain naturally with diet and nutrition, herbal therapy, acupressure, meditation and qi gong practices that specifically decrease inflammation, ease muscle spasms, increase circulation, strengthen the core and reduce pain.”